International or Spanish productions or co-productions, with no limit on duration, never before screened in Madrid.

Jury Prize for best international film. Consisting of €10,000.

Fugas Award for innovation and a willingness to transcend standard boundaries. Consisting of €5,000.

Cineteca Madrid Audience Award. Consisting of €1,000.



Spanish productions or co-productions, as well as works made by Spanish directors, with no limit on duration, never before screened in Madrid.

• Jury Prize for best national film. Consisting of €10,000.

• Fugas Award for innovation and a willingness to transcend standard boundaries. Consisting of €5,000.

Cineteca Madrid Audience Award. Consisting of €1,000.

• CineZeta Young Award. National Competition. Diploma.



Films produced or co-produced in Spain in an advanced stage of editing between 50 and 120 minutes.

• Corte Final Award. Consisting of €4,000.

• Agencia Freak Distribution Award, valued at €6,000, which consists of the creation of the screening files of the winning film, as well as its distribution at festivals for two years, starting from the moment of its completion,